The Next 40 Days: November 7th-December 16th

We learned so much from the first 40 days leading up to the election!  One of the more important pieces that we learned was that we cannot stop here; America needs her Church to continue to stand in the gap and move forward in steadfast worship and prayer that our Lord Jesus Christ would be enthroned over our city, our state, and our nation.  We desperately need revival in America, and we are laying the foundation of standing “in one accord” in unity and purpose to implore God to intercede and heal His Church and our land (2 Chronicles 7:14).

The following is a three-prong initiative that we are encouraging at this time.  Please note:  Our platform remains the same.  Gathering Knoxville meetings are for worship and prayer.  We want to enter into His presence in praise and worship and then into prayers prayed in the Spirit.  We have noticed that this combination is very powerful!  Any format is acceptable but we prefer worship and prayer.  We should refrain from preaching, putting any emphasis on doctrine or tradition, or pushing any other agenda but the stated objective.  We are non-denominational, non-political, and promote the healing of the body of Christ as a united force.

  1. The Fast:  We have begun a 40 day fast.  This fast is focused on imploring God to change hearts in our leadership in our governments from the local to the national level.  This fast is also focused on supplication that God would move on the hearts of all people in leadership roles, including our pastors and Christian leaders.  We have decided to give up something that we would consider a vice or luxury.  For instance, if you normally have desert after dinner…give up desert for 40 days, if you normally watch a particular TV show every night…give it up for 40 days.  Any form of fast will do; the point is, we want to keep a focus on a continued effort in glorifying God and keeping Him on the forefront of our minds and hearts.  We invite all churches that participated or want to participate to join us in this fast.
  2. The Private Prayer:  We have covenanted together to pray for at least one hour every day.  This is based on Christ’s plea with His inner core of disciples while praying at Gethsemane.  “So, could you not stand watch with Me for one hour?” Matthew 26:40  One of our issues in the Church today is that we “lose heart in doing good”; we are warned that we should not lose heart, we need to be vigilant and committed to prayer as a body as well as individuals.  We know in today’s busy world and especially this time of year with the approaching holidays that this is a sacrifice, but we are called out to be intercessors full-time!  We suggest setting aside one hour every day for a special time with the Lord.  Maybe put on some worship music, meditate, pray, and just bathe in His presence.  We will supply some prayer points along the way, but again, we have covenanted together to do this for Jesus.
  3. The Unified Gathering:  We will be continuing the initiative to gather ourselves together as “one man” and one unified body of Christ.  We set aside our denomination, our personal agendas, and our affiliations for this time to worship and pray together in one mind, one heart, and one Spirit.  Just click on the Worship and Prayer Schedule to see when and where these gatherings will be held.  We invite all, regardless of their tradition, who call Jesus Christ Lord and Savior.  This is based on the prayer of Christ recorded in John, Chapter 17.